My rating: 5 of 5 stars
On the surface this Is a book about business, but its message is relevant to other changes as well. It opens by explaining why “Disruptive” is over used, and what it really means and continues with motivating ideas, prompts and exercises.
This short book -- which the author encourages you to write in to complete the exercises-- would be useful for someone thing of doing something entrepreneurial ,either on their own or in the context of an organization they are a part of. Change agents of all sorts (consultants, as well as internal ones) might also find some of the exercises Inspiring.
I plan to revisit this book later for inspiration should I decide to become an independent consultant. I also find my self inspired to apply some of the thinking to make some aspects of my current job even better.
Also consider
- Fearless Change
- More Fearless Change
- 7 Rules for Positive, Productive Change: Micro Shifts, Macro Results
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